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Spacious Light-Filled Atrium

The design of the Technical Administration Building in Düsseldorf marks the beginning of a new era in communicative office architecture. Transparent, green, and honest in its construction, the building embraces the Cradle to Cradle approach, enabling resource-efficient construction for the future. A model administrative building with exemplary character.

The central design concept of the building revolves around a spacious, light-filled atrium, around which the various functions are organized. Neighbouring spaces and uses are interwoven through terraces and winter gardens, creating numerous meeting areas. This multi-story space is equally accessible to both visitors and employees. The atrium is highly activated, serving as a place for interaction, thanks to the adjacent city model on the same level as the event hall, along with exhibition areas and a café, making it a vibrant hub for both citizens and staff.

Visitors to the public areas access the atrium via a grand staircase and a separate, glass-enclosed elevator group. Both the staircase and the elevators connect all levels from the 2nd basement to the 3rd upper floor. The public areas are housed in the first four floors, with the design aimed at ensuring optimal orientation for visitors, keeping the public spaces compact and easily navigable. The general consultation area is centrally located at the entrance of the podium floor, serving as the first point of contact for visitors.




Structural Engineering Werner Sobek AG
Energy Planning Drees & Sommer 

MEP Assmann Beraten + Planen 
Fire Protection 
Görtzen Stolbrink & Partner

Lighting Design Tropp Lighting Design

Traffic Planning Durth Roos Consulting


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